Your fantasticness

You are spectacular
There is nothing better you should know
Whether in Somalia or Wales
Places of safety or those that are crazy

I want for you safety like few people feel
To go along with your beauty and help you with your walk
I cannot stress enough your fantasticness
Whether you be at the beach or in the snow

You can be integrated within all systems, natural or of human
You are perfectly okay, and are filled with the pulses of life
You shine and can shine ever brighter with ease
I know you, but don’t ever need to know

You are spectacular
There is nothing better you should know
You may not feel it now, but it is true
I am being perfectly honest for you

I want for you safety
Like few people really feel
Your fantasticness
It is very real

Feel it, feel it
Be filled with the pulses of life
Shine more, shine more
We can see your sparkle

Life is not always easy, it can be hard
Know you are the best of it
You will go very far
Share it and it will flower more than you know

Your fantasticness
It is very real
Feel it, feel it
We can see your sparkle

Feel the pulses of life
You are spectacular
Much more than you know

Share it, share it
Wonderful pulses of life
Feel it, feel it
Let it all go so very far

Walk in the beauty
You may seem alone
But we are very close
Know your fantasticness

Feel it, know it
You may seem alone
You are spectacular
Wonderful pulses of life

Daniel J Arthur
November 9, 2023

Who knows love

Not the one who has no respect
Not the one who is bullying
Not the one who is failing
To do whatever to prevent harm

It is loving to provide security
It is loving to be strong and capable
It is loving to be insist on safety
It is loving to earn someone’s trust

Not the ones teaching hatred
Not the ones who cannot see us all
For what we are as wondrous life
Not the ones who always inflict pain

Loving is to recognize natural beauty
Loving is to respect and enhance life
Loving is to find a way to find peace
Through sharing and collaboration

Not the ones playing harmful games
Not the ones with excessive greed
Not the ones who don’t value each
Other as they would like to be

Scoffing at real attempts to get along
Is not the way to my heart
Making the effort to work hard for
Understanding the needs of other is

My sister knows what love is
She cannot tell us now
But she has many times before
Love is that she tried to help

It is difficult to be in a loving state
Some will need to work even more
To create a space for finding a way
To love you when you start to care

Many, many

There are many, many
It is the observation of a child
What are the many, many
More than we can know are wild

The certainty of a despot is not
They are on a path then lost
One thing we can know a lot
The many, many will have a cost

Find a way back to reason and kind
There are so many, many good reasons
Your people want to know a good mind
The good and decent are the seasons

Put them to use consistently
Help us to love our many, many
Renew your enthusiasm as a child
The growth from friendly is tasty

All else will melt away

Find your way

Who is really alive, happy and rich
Is it one that hasn’t solved the itch
They may not know, but they know a journey
It really matters not if they ever were an attorney

They might imagine some error is very scary
They might not even take someone’s berry
Certainly the many lives given smothers one
There is no life when solved by 7 grams and gun

The one still with an itch can make children smile
The one with too many billions is a crocodile
We love the one who creates by more than a mile
Too much ill gain one can be left in their own pile

There is a way out of the too much misery
It happens all too often throughout history
We have a promise that will be had some day
We can work hard to make everything okay

It just takes us doing this and that within reason
Expecting decent and reasonable every season
Will help us get clear back to happy and healthy
No one benefits from the excessive wealthy

Why would I want to create my own prison
Certainly we know freedom from the lesson
We move through life enjoying the big giving
We enjoy the sharing much more than keeping

I don’t apologize for enjoying the joy of others
It feels so smart to give heart to sisters and brothers
We feel the love of the creation of enjoyment
Not from any hard life of bitter internment

No matter what happens in the days ahead
Whether I be living free, creating and open
Or, someone big takes on to make me dead
I will be in the mysterious place called heaven

It’s for sure and it cannot be taken
So, we might as well quit the win fakin’
The real win is living life enhancing
Helping others to feel the joy of dancing

I appreciate the good anyone has done
The many who have helped me find love
They haven’t used their life like a gun
Even in defense and action they are a dove

Let’s pray for everyone to find true love
Love that is like that in heaven above
Make that heaven part of everyone’s life
Trade for good works instead of strife

Find your way to love
Find your way to love
That’s what it’s all about
It is what we all find out

Forever here

Daniel J Arthur
August 18, 2023

Long walk in beauty

Do you ever look out the window?
Do you ever see into your dreams?
There is much promise in that rainbow
Not nearly all worldly is as it seems

How can I show that I love you?
What is it that will enhance you?
I want you to have a long walk in beauty
I hope you will be happy with what you see

You have so much to learn
You have so much to share

We work hard through the day
We try to take rest in the night
We want the future to matter then
We want to enjoy affections in the den

How can I show that I love you?
What is it that will enchant you?
I can only hope you will be generous
If so, we might be closely famous

We have so much to learn
We have so much to share

Is there no end to what we can learn?
Is there almost too much for to yearn?
Our love can bring us so much to know
For so many others we can then sow

How can I show that I love you?
What is it that will enhance you?
I want you to have a long walk in beauty
I hope you will be happy with what you may be

We can’t make leaders be decent
We can provide much more fulfillment

Because we can love knowing more
Because we can love in the light
Is there no end to what we can learn?
Is there almost too much for to yearn?

Do you ever look out the window?
Do you ever see into your dreams?
Our love can bring us so much to know
For so many others we can then sow

Wow, you have a choice, pick well
There is a pick that’s decent, do tell

Do you ever look out the window?
Do you ever see into your dreams?
There is much promise in a rainbow
Not all is so worldly is as it seems

How can I show that I love you?
What is it that will enhance you?
I want you to have a long walk in beauty
I hope you are real happy with you and me

Have a long walk in beauty
Have a very long walk in beauty
I hope you are happy with you and me . . .

Daniel J Arthur
August 16, 2023

sakh-TAHBSH eagle

A rainy summer morn’ on the island
I wander down to the beach to get some air
A beautiful scene of sea and shore trends
I wonder what could be there, a heron fair

It squawks at me as I roam near it’s hunt
Taking to the air not too pleased, oh my
I walk down the shore to find a boulder
Along the way I hear the eagle’s cry

The crying is quite often, like a plea
I wonder where oh where it might be
I look, look into the nearby big trees
There is another cry, nothing for to see

I whistle my own call, eagle like high notes
Not too unlike the high pitch guitar riff
I wonder back with rain pleading for coats
The eagle keeps crying like in some tiff

Ah, there it is, up there in the old growth tree
Now spotted the eagle lifts to flee
Oh, she is a glorious young female
She is calling not crying for her parent male

She is so sure and strong as she flies
Much bigger is she in only five moons
Than her father who coaxes he tries
He returns her calls but not too soon

They are united as the father is guiding
Watchful and gently pushing her to leave
She can fly and is strong for traveling
The open water is not like being above a tree

Her very wise and loving father
Has kept watch as the mother has left
Mother has taken her sibling to the river
Where they will feed as the salmon run

She does not want to leave her home
The nest was comfort in a nearby tree
Father has dropped many branches
The nest is but a warm memory

She is fearful of leaving, flying above the sea
Father knows she will soon accept to flee
He is guided by his love for his darling
He longs for teaching more about surviving

She does miss mother and her sibling
She calls and calls for them to return
Father entices and prods her to follow
As he will take her to the river across the sea

She calls again in the evening, where might he be
He returns again to give her another feeding
She is happy but still does not want to go
He feeds her then shows her how to soar

He has done this many times before
She will soon leave to join her family
Only when she knows in her heart
That mother and sibling are over the sea

Father is very patient and firmly pushing
So that his daughter he loves thrives
Father is patient and every pushing
So that she has love as she survives

Daniel J Arthur
August 10, 2023

Ways to go

We have a ways to go
If we are ever going to get there
There are some things to know
We need to take care of the air

The end is not the sight we want to see
There is no way that’s what we will be
So long as we get much stronger
And we really, really rid the hunger

We will get smart on the C-O-2
We will find a way to cut the knives
It will take a woman or two
I’m not saying they will be wives

It is really easy to find no news
You can tell when lips cannot say
The reports must have a real muse
Expression will be muted away

What is rigged is the game for a few
We need to turn it around
Some say defund, more is what to do
We need all of our systems sound

With weapons of minimum destruction
A force to run over the farce
We can help others be the lucky ‘uns
There is no need to flee to Mars

We can find a way to chip in
We can make the world a better place
So much so that the bogeys give up sin
Let the Earth and universe find grace

There is so much good to do
It will be that we really love you

Daniel J Arthur
August 6, 2023

Feel it

It is time to remember you as you
All the struggle takes me away
You might think my thoughts are few
All the struggle prevents my stay

U are loved, that’s for sure
U are loved, that’s what you’re for

I have been there for you
You have been there for me
Some of you I have not been
You did want to win

U are loved, that’s the way
U are loved, I can surely say

There is not a one to lose at love
You must know that is the plan above
With love you will always win
Whether or not we all have kin

U are loved, that’s for sure
U are loved, that’s what you’re for

The struggle is in the way
Sometimes we cannot stay
We don’t always feel it there
But our love is never bare

U are loved, that’s the way
U are loved, I can surely say

I wish you could always feel it
You have a heart for it always to sit
With love you always win
Whether or not we all have kin

U are loved, that’s for sure
U are loved, that’s what you are for

Feel it, feel it
It is surely there
Feel it, Feel it
Love for you is only fair

U are loved
U are loved

Daniel J Arthur
August 3, 2023

Hidden liberty

Why live half a life or less with one fox
There is so much more to learn
There are so many more perspectives
There is vast richness in learning

If you are with one fox, it’s like being in a party
The party is really supposed to be big
So why is there only one conversation, one view
It’s really not true, one view, the more we learn

When you look around and talk openly
Hard to do without much recrimination
You will notice that the one with no clothes
Kind of becomes unimportant really

A real party is rich in cultural diversity
People will believe what they want
Yet they tend to know we should care
Why would someone care for us

I don’t take it lightly when choosing
We have too much current history to lose
If we are not diligent in choosing decent
If we are not diligent in choosing reasonable

The world is actually more scary in the party of one
It has proven to be enslaving horribly many times
Let’s free ourselves of the fox, it is just one
Experience the richness of hearing many

If not all
Take care

Daniel J Arthur
July 29, 2023

Respect history

Can I ever do justice to the ones before
Many have suffered from hateful ignorance ever more
Than I could possibly imagine in all my days
How can one know the horrors of their stays

We need to move forward
We need to know truly

We cannot let someone’s desire to harm a one
Let alone the wholesale destruction of humanity
A person who honestly wants to serve will run
On the the caring and kindness for all of humanity

In order to move forward
Know history more fully

We cannot know every broken heart
Like we cannot know how every heart soars
But we can really try to be smart
With heart helping each others loving roars

We need to move forward
We need to know truly

Get to know what will really help you
Fill your heart with knowledge and love
The afflicted want to live well like you
Fill their days with hope like from above

In order to move forward
Respect history more fully
We can get there really

Daniel J Arthur
July 28, 2023