Hidden liberty

Why live half a life or less with one fox
There is so much more to learn
There are so many more perspectives
There is vast richness in learning

If you are with one fox, it’s like being in a party
The party is really supposed to be big
So why is there only one conversation, one view
It’s really not true, one view, the more we learn

When you look around and talk openly
Hard to do without much recrimination
You will notice that the one with no clothes
Kind of becomes unimportant really

A real party is rich in cultural diversity
People will believe what they want
Yet they tend to know we should care
Why would someone care for us

I don’t take it lightly when choosing
We have too much current history to lose
If we are not diligent in choosing decent
If we are not diligent in choosing reasonable

The world is actually more scary in the party of one
It has proven to be enslaving horribly many times
Let’s free ourselves of the fox, it is just one
Experience the richness of hearing many

If not all
Take care

Daniel J Arthur
July 29, 2023