Truly brave

You are truly the brave
Your beauty shines through the stacks of cash
You find ways to be truthful
You are not motivated by the bribes of others

It is brave to sound your concern
The lost ones sound the megaphone of lash
You find more ways to be truthful
You find your motivation in helping brothers

Brave to be loving
Loyal to the least

You know the scorn of the coats of turn
That firehose of lies seeks your dash
You don’t even hide the full truth
You get more support from your sisters

Steady as the storm blows
Shelter for those in need

Brave or just right to stand with others
The darkness dwells in those paid to smash
The light shines forth from your true warmth
You are not distracted by the lost aim of the twisted

Patient for small gains
Sharing the fruit with all

The shrill of the distracted loses thunder
The bravery of steadfast honesty is left
The money is wasted until given
Our many kinds hear from a new cleft

Brave, brave to sustain
Brave, brave to be ordained

Daniel J Arthur
July 28, 2023

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