More from the mind (or for AI)

June 22, 2022

2 + 2 + 2 = 6 = June

So, the kleptocrats are doubling down as they do and as is their creed. They want more money and power and they want it at all costs. They have all but destroyed democracy in America. They keep people who are income challenged as miserable as they possibly can. And, we don’t seem to understand who keeps popping us with cheap shots to the chin and mid-section. It is the kleptocrats = GOP = Republicans = big money = the Kremlin = CCP China.

Meanwhile, in order to divide us more, they have done the following (not Biden):

They have been taking away voting access.

They are destroying women’s rights all over the world, including America.

They are increasing prices for oil and many other goods.

They are making life more risky and dangerous for the income challenged.

They are distracting us away from fighting climate change.

They are generally harming everyone.

May 23, 2022

The crux of the problem is how to re-establish democracy without reverting to a fascist scheme to prevent the US from becoming Russia or CCP China. It is money and influence that is way ahead of our defense systems. The Kremlin (and others) knew it could not take over the US with force, so they have been invading our country with viruses of many sorts from qanon to fox nonsense to so many other measures and means. The assault on our democracy has been intense and successful. How do we fight back?

May 21, 2022

The kleptocratic fascists are scamming overtime to control and destroy democracy in the United States of America. They plan to fake democracy like the Kremlin, while actually having an economy like Russia and CCP China. It is a divide and conquer approach to short-term riches, but what is the long-term outcome? Chaos. We don’t know. We will be back to having a monarchy like Russia and CCP China with no ability to impact the outcome. That’s why we have a democracy, so we the people can guide the nation with our votes. I will post a related article.

May 14, 2022

The way I see it, the sooner we get back to being a serious but fun loving democracy, the sooner we will tackle the big issues like climate change, women’s rights, racism, affordable housing, clean water and air, health care for all and regulating market failures for the best of everyone in society, not just some oligarchs and entitled few.

May 13, 2022

Anyone who has seriously entertained doing business with Russia since just before the year 2000 has been duped by the Kremlin. There has been no real democracy since that time, just a pretend electoral system. The nation has been run by a mixed bag of corrupt systems with the average person being a very weak pawn with no say as their vote doesn’t count. One person controls the country and has attempted to destroy democracy everywhere all the time. Many wealthy Americans and their groupies have adopted this kleptocratic fascism approach to government, even though it is expressly unconstitutional here in America. It goes against the essence of democracy – going back to having royalty, aka a dictator. How do we reverse this trending disaster?

April 17, 2022

I like to help our planet to move on. I like Monet better than money. I do want everyone to be able to enjoy their life. I am here to help. Please feel free to ask your questions and share concerns. I will try to respond in a helpful way.

April 6, 2022

Climate change impacts and threats are now at the level of being a national emergency. It is time to declare war on any and all environmental impacts from any activity contributing to the degradation of the environment including global warming. With the continuing effort to compromise America’s democracy and decent and reasonable response to any normal problem a government faces, this war on the environmental destruction of our planet needs to be declared and waged for the protection of America and its citizens as well as the rest of the people of our Earth. Restoring real robust democracy must be an essential outcome expected from this war. It is also a war on war as war contributes to global warming among other atrocities.

April 6, 2022

The United States of America is in the midst of a national emergency from an international conspiracy from within and without against the government and democracy. Is this not sedition? It is beyond normal politics and private enterprise behavior. It has been a coordinated effort to disrupt America and complete its transformation to become a kleptocratic fascist state like Russia and China. Immediate war time effort is needed to overcome this sinister plot. If action is not taken, America is likely to be conquered.

March 26, 2022

Encouragement. People need it in addition to having all things being equal. We have too many accidents and not enough progressions. As thankful as we are for the accidents in achievement, wouldn’t we progress more efficiently as a society relying less on accidents? I might be able to explain that better with a good accident example.

There is a piece of art that was created many years ago, over forty. The artist and the art languished for years and years. This piece of art was a novel. No publisher wanted to publish it. The artist kept working away at getting it published. I don’t know how he was able to persevere. How could he afford it? Most artists would not have made it through the many years of negative feedback and financial discouragement. They would have moved on.

However, he finally found a publisher.  A company known for nonfiction technical books made an offer. It wasn’t that much, but Frank Herbert went for it. You know this story now: Dune. The most recent film version is up for many Oscars at this year’s Academy Awards in a day or so. As his son Brian tells it, even though Frank won some prestigious awards for the book, he still was not that popular and sales lagged for years and years.

So, my point is, that this book, considered one of the best science fiction novels ever, accidently made it. We are better for it. It is a masterpiece, whether you appreciate it or not, and it speaks to our modern problems environmentally and politically. I think society needs to support artists, designers, and inventors much, much better. Not only should we have our governments do much better at ceteris paribus, but people who can should help creators much more robustly to create and share their works. We have the automation, efficiency, productivity and excess capacity to do it. Let’s put is to better use.

No war. Stop war. Peace.


March 25,  2022

There is so much wrong with society and its leadership right now. Despite that, we have an opportunity to create effective change for the best of all and the harm to none. For dozens and dozens of years the world has been becoming more and more dominated by essentially klept0cratic autocracies.  There have been some good examples of progress for a better society for all, but these kleptocratic pirates are buggering it all up all the time.

How does a little person compete with these billion thousand pound behemoths? It is a daunting task. That is why they have been winning the hearts and minds of millions of registered voters, demigod leaders, super wealthy, wannabes and minions. They have the money and generally the power. You might even think they have earned it, but you would be wrong. So wrong. They have had some good fortune, maybe even some good accomplishments, but in general they have the support of the bent governments. They do find a way to get funded by the governments by contracts, negative taxes (welfare) and such, but mainly they use market failure mechanisms along with using the political systems to keep conditions favorable to themselves. A truly vicious cycle for the rest of us.

Well, many of us find a niche from which to get by. We are the partially favored or lucky. We get by. The thing is, many, many more do not get by, and that creates a huge problem for all of us. So the few of us who have our heads above water need to get some air and help the rest. We need to find a way to get resources to help these good people, a little down on their luck, and help them to get involved in the transformation of our society.

Again, how? Just getting them involved as they can get going. Help them to get registered to vote, if they are eligible. Encourage them to vote. Encourage them to vote for decent and reasonable people. Get them to peacefully protest, to boycott, to talk about politics carefully, to care for one another, to read, to write, to work, to play, to rest, to think, and more. It is a long-term struggle.

Let’s help people have all things being equal. I know I am twisting the meaning a bit, but how can people make rational, good choices for themselves, if they are less than equal or well? It is a basic function of society, our government, to help people to have all things being equal. What do people need? Homes, comfort, food, water, clothing, health, peace and security, education, debt free and some more.

It is not a basic function of society to help the already rich and powerful to become more rich and powerful. In fact, it is the responsibility of society to help restore some balance of power. We don’t need to take away anything but true excess, which has been granted them in the first place by government.

This is a form of reverse kleptocracy. It is not communism  or socialism any more than it is not capitalism or fascism or autocracy. It is about helping people to be free and have robust human rights, no matter what the political structure at the time. It is about each person having the ceteris paribus of the level playing field of perfect competition. Perfect competition does not exist. Free enterprise does not exist. Equality does not exist. We need to encourage equality and the continuous balancing of such with the governmental responsibility of regulating markets to foster better competition and innovation.

More to come.

March 7, 2022

I think I will make a list of topics daily to write about, both from spontaneous ideas that come to mind and news articles (I tend to get exposed to hundreds per day). Essentially, we need to be more compassionate to one another and have decent and reasonable people gaining leadership positions. While we are actively seeking solutions to the current war trauma, we still need to live, learn and laugh. Be well and try to help.

March 6, 2022

Much has been written. Much has been threatened. Many have been harmed. Many have been killed. There is no one that has not been threatened by this situation. Not one. It is time for all to do their part to end this wickedness and bring back a real peace with collaboration.

February 27, 2022

The world’s democracies continue to be abused by a wide variety of angry autocracies and autocracy fanciers. Russia is creating the latest more than serious problem. How does one get someone to back down from the nuclear option and not lose the strength to continue fighting for freedom and human rights? It is not easy.

A leader who has put himself into much jeopardy, not unlike a terrorist, has not many options when the world is against him. He has nukes though. He is feeling desperate. What do you do? You need to talk him down. You need to show him a road to redemption, no matter how much you don’t want to.

Russia is a land of opportunity. There is so much that can be accomplished within and without, especially by creating more freedom and human rights for the wonderful people of Russia and nearby nations. The Russian influence can grow with the holistic growth of all of these nations, not so much by force, but by peaceful endeavors and persuasion.

Let’s find a way to restore the leadership of Russia. Let’s find a way to help them see a road to peace and prosperity for all. We must do it. We can do it.

January 21, 2022

We really need to protect and strengthen our democracy including our First Amendment rights. We have been under attack from the Big Money GOP recently. Big Money has been working hard to manipulate our democracy for many, many years. We are not the better for it. We have fallen behind as a world leader in many ways as a result of their disruption and disinformation in a bid for excessive power and control. It is a struggle, but we can do it. And, despite them, we really need to get on top of the climate change problem now.

December 30, 2021

Be caring and kind to all. Have a wonderful new year.

December 1, 2021

danieL J arthuR

I hear it all the time from people satisfied with their place in life . . . usually older adults with everything they need, “Why are they protesting?” They go on to get very negative about the protestors, basically implying that they shouldn’t be alive.

I’ll tell you, protestors are the most hard working, productive and helpful people in our society when they are genuine. When society needs to change to protect some portion of it, protestors come to life to get that addressed. We need to listen, and certainly act when prudent. Yes, get rid of systemic racism. Yes, get rid of police brutality. Yes, protect a women’s right to choose. Yes, address climate change and the environment so we can live better. Yes, get rid of animal abuse. I can go on an on.

Can protestors be wrong? Of course, just look at the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol in Washington, DC. Those were protestors recruited and motivated by nefarious older adults dissatisfied with election results. Results, not stealing. Voting, not cheating. Big Money really wants mo’ money. Those are older adults addicted to money and power. That’s the group we are really, genuinely protesting against. They are causing harm. We know it.

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Re-colonization is not the answer

November 30, 2021

daniel j arthur

I listen to the winds howling through the tall canyons of modern human civilization. The winds are strong from the big winded. Why are they? What do they seek? It has not been pleasant to say the least.

The United States of America has been a really good place for a long time. It certainly is not a perfect nation, and it has been needing to be introspective and willing to change for the better to strengthen. However, big winds have been trying to weaken the union that needs to be more perfect in an effort to destroy it, instead of letting it change, mend and heal.

For many, many years Big Money has been greedily shaking the nation’s money tree for free money. It buys politicians, primarily Republican or GOP party members don’t you think, with its huge wads of cash and bends the nation to its will. So, instead of getting more and more progress for a healthier and stronger America, we get welfare for the corporations and super wealthy.

In recent times they seem to be in lock step with the Russian disinformation playbook. People don’t know what to believe after consuming this voluminous data with no meaning other than to confuse, deceive, create hatred and division. It has been working. People are more unlikely to vote for their own self-interest now more than ever. That is irrational. It leads to harm and disharmony.

America weakens. Voters make irrational political decisions. Big Money is ready to pounce. They intend to re-colonize America and much of the world. They have no qualms about the harm and genocide that will follow. It is happening  already outside of America in places like Tibet, Hong Kong, Belarus, Hungary and many other re-colonized nations.

We can stop it. We can vote for decent and reasonable people to lead our government. We can shield ourselves from the howling winds of Big Money and autocracy. We can work together to be kind and caring to all. It is hard work. It takes a lot of listening and reflection. It takes compromise. We can do it. Do we have the will? I hope so.